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Stock no: 200185

Volume Volume: 30.6 litres [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 10.0 bar [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 80 Degrees Celsius [convert]

Pall, type EMS034G3528/CM810R, 30.6 litre 316L SS pressure filter.Unused.

Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MB-140-L-40-H-18-6/SI-9-VV3-2, single head piston pump (dosing.. more



Pall, type EMS034G3528/CM810R, 30.6 litre 316L SS pressure filter.Unused.

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1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

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Pfaudler RA 84 9090 litre glass lined reactor

Pfaudler RA 84 9090 litre glass lined reactor

Pfaudler RA-84 9090 litre (2000 gal) glass lined reactor

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307 litre 316L stainless steel reactor

307 litre 316L stainless steel reactor

307 litre 316L stainless steel reactor

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